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How to translate RSS feeds
Posted by Martin Laplante on 12 May 2011 01:07 PM

In SharePoint 2010 with PointFire 2010, RSS feeds in most cases will respect the language that was in use at the time of subscription.  They will not do any filtering of the RSS feed for users that only want to see items whose language matches their own, but that can be achieved with a view.

When PointFire2010 is active, you can subscribe to feeds in the same way as you would in PointFire 2010 without PointFire. The difference can be found within the URL. If you subscribe while French is your selected language, the feed’s URL will contain the parameter “LCID=1036”, and similarly for other languages. The feed with that URL differs from the default feed in that the PointFire engine will translate the names and values of the fields within the RSS feed. This will work whether the feed is read by a browser, a feed reader, or via an RSS aggregator.

Filtering by language of RSS feeds is not automatic.  On a SharePoint list page, filtering is done by a filter web part that looks up your current configuration, which is not there in an RSS feed.  To achieve filtering, you can use a view so that your feed will show only the items whose Item Language have a particular value.

Create a public view on the list in the normal way, as described in the User Manual.  In the Filter section of the view definition, show the items where the Item Language contains the value of the language that you want.  The “contains” operator is better than the “is equal to” operator because if the list allows multiple values for the language, it includes documents that have more than one language.  Then note the GUID of that view.  One way to do that is to edit the views and to look for the "&View=<VIEW_GUID>" in the URL.  You can add that same "&View=<VIEW_GUID>" in the URL of the RSS feed to apply the view to that feed.
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